A tech company based in Africa, Rwanda to be precise, just launched two smartphones, the Mara X and Mara Z, which is called the first “made in Nigeria” models by the company. It’s a proof to show the country’s ambition to become a regional technology center.
According to the founder of Mara Group, Ashish J. Thakkar, after accompanying Rwandan President, Paul Kagame on a tour of the company, he said, “this is the first smartphone manufacturer in Africa”.
Thakkar said Mara Group produces smartphones in Ethiopia, Egypt, Algeria and South Africa, but import parts, he continued by saying, “in fact, we are the first African company to engage in manufacturing.
We are making motherboards throughout the production process, each phone has more than 1000 parts. “The plant, which costs $24 million, can produce 1200 mobile phones a day, Thakkar said.
Paul Kagame said he hoped smartphone use would increase after the release of the phone in Rwanda, which currently uses about 15 per cent of smartphones.
Paul Kagame said, “Rwandan people are already using smartphones, but we want more people to use smartphones. The introduction of Mara phones will enable more Rwandan people to have smartphones. “.