WhatsApp as we know today is on the verge of taking over other chatting app in the industry with over 5 billion installs on Google Play store and billions of active users over the years. The Facebook-owned WhatsApp has been on the development of the Whatsapp dark mode which has been incorporated into Facebook-owned Instagram and messenger, now it about to get on WhatsApp.
The updates have been on the pending since 2018 and was meant to be rolled out last year but I don’t what came up with Facebook Inc. that delayed the updates up until 2020. The beta version of the newest update will have the dark mode feature which some of us really refer and has made us love the GB WhatsApp or the Fuad WhatsApp which is also a product of GB WhatsApp with nice UI and seamless customization.
Editor pick: Read about it here with screenshots and download
The version of the WhatsApp will be version 2.20.13, so if your WhatsApp is already on the version, then kindly follow these steps to activate the dark mode;
Go to settings >> tap on chat >> then you will see the display option (theme). The dark mode is mostly meant to be used at night.
You can download WhatsApp 2.20.13 beta apk as it cannot be found on Google play store yet since it is not stable version.