Android 11 is rolling out probably soon and here is the first feature that was tested on the developer preview on Thursday. Android 10 rolled out last year with the dark mode and but the annoying notifications that keep on pushing the music player to the bottom forcing users to scroll all the way down to next or perform on a function when listening.
Now that has been solved by making or creating a space for music player in the quick setting tab with the other settings being moved to the side as seen in the below screenshot. This is just a test on the Android 11 and it is not yet stable, so therefore, it might be on the next android version or the one after it, but if it eventually comes in the next version, it might experience other changes before it is rolled out in the stable version.
This feature will be a default setting arrangement according to report and when the quick settings panel is being fully expanded, the music player tab moves below while the setting moves to their normal position. Google is always about user experience in other to make things easier for their consumers.