I am sure you have finished setting up your blog with a new theme, meta description, and title in place. Now let’s move to how to share great Blog posts.
Writing a good blog post might not be the problem at times for most bloggers, getting people to read the great content you have created and shared is the headache. Sometimes you will wonder and say to yourself, “with all the effort I put into making the article great, no one is reading nor sharing?” and trust me, this can frustrate you and make you give up blogging.
Not to worry, Naijatech360 has some tips on how to share great Blog posts.
Before we dive into the tips on how to share great Blog posts, In writing a good blog post, there are some things you will have to consider and it is very important you abide by them at all times to avoid any complications in the nearest future when you start earning.
Rules of writing great blog posts
- Do not copy an article from another blog and paste on yours to share
- Make sure the words used on your blog post is not up to 50% the same as the one found on another blog/website (Be creative with words).
- Avoid synonyms and antonyms
- Make sure you read the articles and re-write it as you understood it using your own words (Best practice).
All of the following are advised to be taken seriously to avoid plagiarism and copyright infringement. Quoted words can be copied and pasted and give reference to the source that originally made the statements and where it was copied from.
For example, if you want to quote my above rules of writing a blog post, then this is how you do it.
According to a statement on Naijatech360, the rules of writing a blog post are;
” Do not copy an article from another blog and paste on yours to share
Make sure the words used on your blog post is not up to 50% the same as the one found on another blog/website (Be creative with words).
Avoid synonyms and antonyms
Make sure you read the articles and re-write it as you understood it using your own words (Best practice).”
I hope you get the information am trying to put to you above.
The link to the blog where you copied from should be embedded in its name
Now to the main discussion, how to share great Blog posts
Focus on headlines
Headlines that are astonishing draw an audience to your blog post. Staggering headlines are high catching, for example, “Atiku vows to destroy Buhari head to head in Election”, we know a figure of speech was involved. That kind of headline will catch the attention of anyone scrolling on social media platforms that I shared my post to.
Atiku didn’t say he will destroy Buhari head to head, maybe he only said he will win the election in every corner which is quite similar to the headline.
Create contents that is quotable
I discussed quoted contents above and I said it is allowed, well here, you are not the one copying another blog’s content to quote on your blog, someone will be copying yours.
Someone doing this on their blog will create a backlink to your original post as they will reference your site with the link as the original content as I explained above.
To do this, your goal must be to create a content which is worth quoted but this doesn’t happen at all times. Your content must also be original by 100%.
Interlink your blog posts
Interlinking your own blog post means linking some other post to the current post you just worked on or shared. Still don’t get it right? ok, lets take it this way.
If you have finished writing your blog post, add links below to another related post as I do on every blog post you read here, or if you write something similar to what you already have on your site as you were writing, you can reference it by embedding the link in the word.
This helps in making your readers stay and spend more time on your blog giving you a good bounce rate and session spent.
Now that you have learned How to share great Blog posts, you can try writing your first blog post. Note that in any post you write, an image that describes your post blog should go first as it will be your featured image that will show when you share on social media platforms on your blog itself.
Next is How to earn from your blog.