Huawei has been working on it own operating now for quite some time and it is becoming more tiring for them to have to produce their high-end mobile devices without the right to feature the apps used by its consumer everyday like the Google play store and other Google apps that are essential on a mobile phone.
The war between the two countries, the US and China trade war, is becoming more and more of a problem for Huawei. working on their own operating system which is known to be called Harmony OS, and have been featured on Huawei devices except their mobile phones will be a way for them to still maintain their stand in the mobile market if eventually it is featured on their mobile phones and it is said to be 60% faster than the Google OS.
Huawei has an app store that comes pre-installed on all its devices but it still needs to work on it because of the change of OS and they have been working on a project to help developers understand how their OS will work so as for them to create their apps based on it. This will actually require a lot of time to re-shape the OS ecosystem which has been dominated by Google and apple for years.
Huawei has recently reached an agreement with TomTom to make an alternative app for Google map which will be a great deal for their Harmony OS. Huawei has decided to partner with TomTom instead of using the OpenStreetMap database which is commonly used by other map tool makers. The partnership will allow Huawei to have access to navigation software, traffic Infos, street to streets name, and many more.
The deal is said will not be affected by the trade war between the two countries simply because TomTom is based in Netherland and gracefully, Huawei has no issue with them.
According to a representative at the company (TomTom), the deal has been evaluated “some time ago” but it was not announced until now.