WhatsApp has become the second world’s most downloaded app after the Google app taking the lead. WhatsApp is owned by Facebook Inc and it just reached 5 billion installs on Android mobile phones through play store and more than that without downloads from Google play store. Only a few of the apps found on Google play store have reached that level of download.
Facebook itself reached that level last year and it was all because of the partnership deal between the company and OEMs that are well known like Samsung, Huawei, Tecno, and others.
Statistics show that the number of downloads isn’t from play store alone but also pre-installed copies of the app, mostly all the phone has WhatsApp pre-installed in them except Huawei (recently) because of the ban issue with the US government which prevents them from Using Google OS, so most apps have to be installed from another app store, but the major downloads as seen on play store is 5,000,000,000+ install(5 billion)
WhatsApp happens to be one of the most popular communication apps in the world with 1.5 billion users in a month.
source: Androidpolice