Last month, WhatsApp announced multi-device functionality for Android and iOS users. This lets consumers use their WhatsApp accounts on up to four devices and one phone at the same time without needing to connect to the internet.
Now, the Meta-owned instant messaging app is rumored to be working on a project feature that will allow users to add a secondary smartphone as a partner to their primary phone that has the app installed on it. Users can use this to link their WhatsApp account and utilize it on another phone.
This feature was allegedly discovered in the WhatsApp beta for Android version. According to WABetaInfo, the App features tracker, the messaging app is expanding its multi-device support to secondary smartphones and tablets. Users will be able to use a single WhatsApp account on various devices with this feature.
The WhatsApp beta for Android update, as previously stated, includes a reference to the second iteration of the multi-device capability. The report includes a screenshot of the UI when WhatsApp is launched on a secondary mobile device.
The screenshot includes a “Register Device as Companion” area, which gives consumers a sense of what the feature would look like once it is available. To finalize the connectivity of the messaging service to a secondary smartphone or an Android tablet, users may need to scan the QR code with the primary WhatsApp device.
However, the source also stated that this functionality is in the works. Before the final release, the feature may be updated. Users are not obliged to keep their phones internet-enabled in order to use this feature. However, if the phone is dormant for more than 14 days, the linked devices will be deactivated.